2024 Underwriters
If you are interested in being an Underwriter this season or a coming season please get in touch!
Our Mission
To stimulate artistic development among Fine Arts students by providing scholarship assistance through the Art Force Scholarship Funds in the Amarillo College Foundation and through funding for program support.
History and Accomplishments
Art Force was created in 1985 to support students and faculty in the Fine Arts and Humanities departments at Amarillo College. Through student scholarships and department support, Art Force supports the flourishing art community at the college and in Amarillo. The Art Force Board of Directors plays a vital role in recruiting members, planning events, and awarding grant and scholarship funding. Since its inception, Art Force has provided over $900,000 in grant and scholarship funding thanks to the generosity of Art Force members. Funds are generated through membership dues as well as Cooking School Events which are held throughout late spring and summer each year.